About FPA
In 1968 Dr. Vincent R. Trapozzano and Dr. John H. Ross (both of St. Petersburg) were in attendance at a dental meeting in Orlando,Florida. Dr. Trapozzano was a long-time diplomate and also a former President of the American Board of Prosthodontics and the unofficial dean of the Prosthodontists in the Florida area. Dr. Ross had only recently been certified by the Board.
These two prosthodontists began enumerating the Diplomates in Florida and Dr. Trapozzano suggested they consider starting a Prosthodontic society in Florida, limited to diplomats of the Board. They decided to call a meeting of all Florida diplomates to discuss the feasibility of such an organization and began work on a constitution and bylaws for the Florida Prosthodontic Association (FPA).
An organization meeting was held on October 26,1968. A constitution and bylaws were approved and officers elected. Dr. Trapozzano was elected President. The new Association set a policy of limiting speakers to members only and established a policy of equal time for discussion of the members after each presentation. To assure discussion, the FPA at first insisted on two discussers for each speaker. The FPA discovered that the members were not reticent, but eager to discuss and the association has always had plenty of that. These post-presentation discussions encouraged a strong bond of fellowship and camaraderie.
Today the FPA contracts with well-known speakers on a variety of topics that are current and applicable to the practicing FPA member and their dental team. Business meetings, as well as social activities are still conducted and participation is encouraged.
The Florida Prosthodontic Association is a voluntary, non-profit professional association with a membership consisting of educationally qualified, Prosthodontists and dentists with a special interest in prosthodontics. Many of the FPA members are Board Certified and are Diplomats of the American Board of Prosthodontics.